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“An individual only plays when he is human in the full sense of the word, and he can only be fully human when he is playing.” Friedrich Schiller

History tells us that in 49 B.C. the famous ancient Roman commander Julius Caesar, having won brilliant victories over barbaric galls, wanted to take supreme power in the Eternal City. Then the frightened senators forbade him and his troops to return to Italy.

Without hesitating, the commander announced his decision on the Senate ban, saying “Alea jacta est” (“The die was cast”) and crossed the Rubicon River on the border. This led to protracted civil wars in Rome, which have become one of the most significant events in ancient history.

The words of the ferocious dictator have become proverbial, however, today there is hardly a person who thinks of their real meaning. As it turned out, Grand Caesar really did roll the dice. His passion for the game was so great that he deeply believed in the magical ability of data to predict the future.

Public opinion hardly favors gambling and everything related to it. On the other hand, in those days, the word “player” was almost a curse word – so great was the contempt of most people for those who gave the game due.

But, at the same time, the ancient peoples understood perfectly that the thirst for gambling could not be eradicated pink casino. The Greeks, with their rich characteristic imagination, invented a myth about the goddess of destiny Tyche (the Romans called her “Fortuna”), who gave birth to Zeus’ daughter, and this girl was given the gift of inventing various dangerous diversions, that made people lose a lot of money, cheat, fight and commit suicide.

Tyche loved his daughter and thus winked at his cruel pranks. She even presented her with a large, beautiful house, to which her daughter lured the most credulous players to make them unhappy.
More than two thousand years have passed since that time, and today almost nobody believes in divination, casting many myths about the goddess Tyche, but there is one thing that has not changed. It is the human need of the game. This inextinguishable desire stipulated the fact that, over time, special premises for the game were built – as if the ancient Greek legend had become a reality.

At these establishments, visitors played with each other and paid part of their winnings to the owner – or played with the owner and, in the event of a loss, were required to pay the full stake to the casino owner. Approximately in the 16th century, these establishments came to be called by the Italian word “casino”, which has not changed its meaning until now.

The bookmakers have attracted people with different characters, different talents and varied financial possibilities. The list of famous casino goers, compiled by Europe’s biggest casinos, includes celebrities like Chancellor Bismarck, composers Berlioz and Brahms, writer Dostoyevskiy, poet Mayakovsky and the king of the Citroen automobile.